Feliz Páscoa todo mundo!
Last year, I was visiting Oma, Opa, and Stace in Michigan. The night before Easter Sunday, Oma went into atrial fibrillation and had to stay at the hospital overnight and almost all of Easter. She wasn't in any huge danger, but they had to make sure her heart rate was stable for some time before she could leave. We stayed with her most of the night. The next day, I made Easter lunch/dinner for Opa, Stace, and Stacey's boyfriend, Chris. We made a little plate and took it to the hospital for Oma. She ended up being fine, but it was a weird way to experience the holiday.
This Easter has been delightful. This morning, we had an excellent, extravagant breakfast for here: pancakes, choc chip pancakes, strawberries, scrambled eggs, Easter eggs, and my first attempt at homemade bagels. Andrea purchased a bunch of weird presents for Manda and I from Le Biscuit. She and mom hid gifts around the house for us (it was raining this morning). Among my haul: a pair of bunny slippers, a dark chocolate egg, and a long stick-thing you use to grab things that are far away with chomping teeth at the end (it's really hard to describe).
Then we watched Kensington's Easter service on the internet. I especially loved hearing people's testimonies.
The day turned out beautiful, so Andrea, Manda, Mom and I spent a lot of time lounging/reading in the pool.
I feel very peaceful today - a rare feeling for me of late. My heart is grateful and humbled - for He is Risen!