April 12, 2011

A Brief Horror Story

Today, on the way to school, Ricardo the girls and I got into a minor accident. We stopped at a red light on Estrada do Coco, and the person behind us simply did not notice - SOMEHOW. We were stopped, and I heard screaming tires behind us. Luckily, Ricardo saw what was happening and maneuvered us slightly to the side of the lane. The frantically braking car managed to slip between us and the next car - merely scraping the side of ours. He then slid through the intersection, where pedestrians hadn't quite started crossing (thank God), waved out the window and sped off again. Sheesh.

But that's not the horror story. Myra just came over to tell us about her recent visit to the dentist here. She went in for a root canal. Yikes. While she was there, conscious but drugged, they decided the tooth was too degraded, so they needed to pull it. Then they either discovered, or caused, a crack in the tooth next to it. So they pulled it too. Then they decided since the very next tooth was her wisdom tooth, they should remove it too, just for the hell of it. WHAT ON EARTH? I would be furious if I went to the dentist for a root canal, and left with three unplanned teeth missing, and no real explanation. Her wisdom tooth had never caused her any discomfort or problems, but it apparently had to go. My mom suggested the dentist thought it might be lonely after the loss of its two neighbors. She has a ton of stitches in her mouth to be removed later this week. They gave her some good painkillers, I guess, but she still drove under their influence. Classic Myra.

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